Calculation of salary
Before salary payment, the hours are reviewed in a comprehensive salary report for the individual employee and approved before export to the payroll system. As soon as the salary calculation has been approved, a csv file with the required salary types, number of hours etc. is loaded into your payroll system. Calculation of sick leave and sickness benefits is calculated automatically, on the basis of the agreement for the individual employee. Salary for day and / or night work is also calculated in the system, and it all appears from the payroll report in a comprehensive overview, distributed per workplace. If it is necessary to adjust the wage calculation, this can be done directly in the report before it is saved for export to the payroll system.
Service and cleaning schedules
Reporting and quality control can be handled by the many service and cleaning forms that are integrated in the solution. In the built-in form design, you can build all the forms and service reports that you need and exactly the way you want them. Common to them all is that they are easy to fill in for your employees. Once a form is completed and finally approved, it is saved as a PDF file on the customer case. This ensures that you have documentation and quality assurance prepared.